Monday, August 6, 2007

Enjoying the Summer Life

My favorite month of the year is here and I am still enjoying the summer's heat and greatness of the season. I am especially enjoying coming home and changing the work shoes for the flip-flops.

I have been inspired to paint summer paintings by my indulgence of summer. My latest and favorite is shown below....the freedom that my feet and toes have is certainly a delight. My collector's have already purchased a few of my newest, "Summer Fever" paintings so I guess my enjoyment is getting passed along so others can indulge as well.

While the paintings shown in the slide show below are quite representational of the subject matters not, all paintings are but instead representational of emotions...etc....and are painted distinctively to where the viewer has to look for its symbolism. Artist's that paint non-representational art work want to cause a visual sensation for the viewers. This is tough to achieve for even artists, as myself who focus on painting art that reflects the subject matter. Here is my only piece I did that is semi non-representational but, still reflective of some subject matter...therefore, again, painting non-representational pieces can be difficult even for an artist to produce.

Titled: "Suffocation"

Here is a great website that explains a bit more on non-representational art :

If I bump into any of my artist's friends that paint in this format I will ask to photograph and post on this blog. So that I can share with my web viewers.

Well, I hope that you are all having a fabulous 2007 summer and stay on the look out for more of my "Summer Fever" paintings.