Monday, September 17, 2007

New Art---Reflections on the Season

Well Summer is almost over and we will be welcoming the Fall Season. I live in Sunny South Texas so Fall is sort of unusual for us. We tend to enjoy not having to deal with 100 plus weather. I really enjoyed this Summer Season the most and my work reflects it. However, I am welcoming the Fall through my Art As well.
Here is my "Farewell to Summer Painting"---

And here is my Welcoming the Fall Painting....

I decided to pick up mediums that I haven't used in a while ...and I experimented. Watercolors, pencils, oil pastels, acrylics, glue and more....They are both available for Sale through my online store.

These two pieces are a great mix of abstract contemporary art. I enjoyed the freedom this style provides. Hope you enjoy them as well.

Until next time.


Monday, August 6, 2007

Enjoying the Summer Life

My favorite month of the year is here and I am still enjoying the summer's heat and greatness of the season. I am especially enjoying coming home and changing the work shoes for the flip-flops.

I have been inspired to paint summer paintings by my indulgence of summer. My latest and favorite is shown below....the freedom that my feet and toes have is certainly a delight. My collector's have already purchased a few of my newest, "Summer Fever" paintings so I guess my enjoyment is getting passed along so others can indulge as well.

While the paintings shown in the slide show below are quite representational of the subject matters not, all paintings are but instead representational of emotions...etc....and are painted distinctively to where the viewer has to look for its symbolism. Artist's that paint non-representational art work want to cause a visual sensation for the viewers. This is tough to achieve for even artists, as myself who focus on painting art that reflects the subject matter. Here is my only piece I did that is semi non-representational but, still reflective of some subject matter...therefore, again, painting non-representational pieces can be difficult even for an artist to produce.

Titled: "Suffocation"

Here is a great website that explains a bit more on non-representational art :

If I bump into any of my artist's friends that paint in this format I will ask to photograph and post on this blog. So that I can share with my web viewers.

Well, I hope that you are all having a fabulous 2007 summer and stay on the look out for more of my "Summer Fever" paintings.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Art Collecting Tip on the movie "The Break-Up"

I recently watched the ironic movie Jennifer Anniston starred in right after her and Brad Pitt split up called the "Break Up". I thought it was a neat movie with great humor and some drama...oh the tears.

But, what really kept me watching this chic-flick movie was the fact that there was art involved. Jennifer's character works for a gallery which is owned by a woman whom has ventured in life and knows all about life...according to the movie.

In the movie, there is a scene in which this gorgeous man walks into the gallery and Jennifer's character explains to this potential art collector about the aesthetics, line and composition on an abstract painting.

The man that is trying to buy art is new at the art collecting scene so of course, he feels as if Jennifer is from another planet as she is talking away about this art piece. Finally after all the conversation, the charming man says to Jennifer that he doesn't understand why he should buy art that either a child or he could even paint himself.

Jennifer surprised by the man's comment, pulls him away from the painting and does agree with him but, follows up to explain that if he wants to buy art it would have to really call out to him, it would be art that he would never get tired of looking at and that it would grow even more beautiful with the years that he owns the piece.

I thought, WOW...couldn't have explained it better myself.

However, not to put abstract art on a bad spot. Abstract art is unique in that the viewer can discover new and different views in any abstract painting or sculpture. It is though for folks that enjoy contemporary art rather than the traditional art. Like they say, "Different strokes for different folks." It is no different than your taste in shoes, purse, wallet etc.

If you want to showcase it and picture it in your PROUD collection...then buy it without hesitation.

Here is my art for the this blog...more traditional than abstract for sure.

I will be posting this watercolor painting for purchase in my online store.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tips for Art Collectors

Art Collecting Tip:
If you are confused on what to buy as far as original art, you need to choose a piece that "speaks to you"and that you will enjoy viewing and displaying for years to come. Some collectors choose to collect art from emerging artists that are growing in popularity within their community. Chances are those art pieces will go up in value as the artist continues to grow in his/her art career or become utterly famous in another career.
Other avid art collectors choose work from artists that are already well established within their community
and art world. For those be ready to fork out a pretty penny...but sure to be valued higher in the future. I would recommend that these higher end pieces come with a certificate of authenticity and get it insured.

As an artist, and art collector myself, I have also started collecting art from local artists according to my budget and ultimately my personal desire to own a particular art piece. I have mostly purchased pieces from artists I personally know and that live in my community. But that's just me.

I recently read a really interesting art collecting article in the "Private Clubs" April 2007 edition. This article talks about art collecting as investment assets that appreciate in value over time. Thought that was a twist to art collecting. I guess it would be like buying the prime piece of property that will definitely go up in value or that you hope goes up in price.

But ultimately art collection should be driven by a passion one holds for the arts.

If you have been thinking about developing a collection here are great "How-to articles" that will help you in your decision-making.

Good Luck on your art collecting journey.~Artfully Yours, Matilde Zelinger

My NEW Painting Inspiration--"Red Tree Hills #1"--Original 24x30" Acrylic Painting.

Currently on exhibit and available for Purchase through the Santa Anita Gallery in McAllen, Texas.